High-Quality High Volume Litho Printing
High volume printinted products
Lithography was invented in 1796. A cheap method of publishing theatrical work. The technique, as well as the term, were introduced in Europe in the 1850s. Offset lithography has become the most common form of printing technology since the 1960s.
Litho printing is where an image of the content you want to print is placed on a plate which is covered in ink and then used for printing. Litho printing takes longer to set up than a digital printer but is quicker to do higher quantities of high-quality repeat prints. Litho printing is used for printing anything which needs sharp, vibrant printing in high quantities.
Litho printing is used for printing books, catalogues, posters, brochures, handbooks, invitations, magazines, flyers, presentation folders, training manuals, NRC books (Delivery / Invoice / Survey), raffle tickets, business cards, booklets, certificates, compliment slips, calendars, notebooks etc.